
Infographics transform the information of data and complex processes into effective visual content that is easier to understand.

Internet infographics · Microcontent for social media · Visual presentations · Annual reports · Interactive infographics · Content marketing

High viral potential

Are shared and spread on social media, reaching a large number of people.


The ideas are expressed in a way that is visual, synthetic and memorable.

Brand image

Positions the company, organization or brand as an expert in the sector.


An indispensable tool to be used for content marketing and publishing.


I organize and classify the information so that the message is straightforward and easy to understand. I give it a logical sequence and structure, transforming it into visual content.
I work from files from Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, databases or any other format that allows storing information.

Color and typography

I make a selection of typefaces and color scheme designed specifically for each project. If working for a brand that has a graphic code established I’ll adapt the typefaces and colors to the existing style.

Custom graphics 

I design all illustrations specifically for each project, I don’t use any icons or graphics from stock websites.


If the project requires it, I separate the information of an infographic into independent segments to be shared on social media. This way we capture users attention and drive them to see and share the full infographic.


Viralize your content with an infographic.

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