The art of a last-minute getaway

Everything you need to know about planning a last minute trip. Even if you don’t have a destination in mind, seize the moment and treat yourself to the trip of a lifetime. This infographic explains how you can plan a stellar trip in less than 48 hours.

Visually certified designer
I’m a certified designer by Visually, you can work with me at the Marketplace.
See the infographic in use
The Huffington Post

Infographic Last minute trip

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08_Last-minute-trip_Icons 09_Isometric_Computer 10_Isometric_Travel-Bag

I’m always open to new challenges. If you want to start a project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Get in touch →

The art of a last-minute getaway

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre planificar un viaje de última hora. Incluso si no tienes un destino en mente, aprovecha el momento y disfruta del viaje. Este infográfico explica cómo puedes planificar un viaje fantástico en menos de 48 horas.

Certificada por Visually
Soy diseñadora certificada por Visually, puedes trabajar conmigo en el Marketplace.
Infografía en contexto
The Huffington Post


Infographic Last minute trip


02_Infographic_Colors 03_Typography
08_Last-minute-trip_Icons 09_Isometric_Computer 10_Isometric_Travel-Bag

I’m always open to new challenges. If you want to start a project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Get in touch →

The art of a last-minute getaway

Tot el que necessites saber sobre planificar un viatge d’última hora. Fins i tot si no tensuna destinació en ment, aprofita el moment i gaudeix del viatge. Aquest infogràfic explica com pots planificar un viatge fantàstic en menys de 48 hores.
Certificada per Visually
Sóc dissenyadora certificada per Visually, pots treballar amb mi al seu Marketplace.
Infografia en context
The Huffington Post


Infographic Last minute trip


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08_Last-minute-trip_Icons 09_Isometric_Computer 10_Isometric_Travel-Bag

I’m always open to new challenges. If you want to start a project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Get in touch →