The healing power of cat purrs

Making a research about cat facts I found out they create vibrations within a range known to be medically therapeutic and decided to spread the world. More than 20.000 people have already seen this infographic. You can view it, vote and share it on Visually.

And you can buy it here.


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Increase your crazy cat lady level with the healing power of cat purrs poster

Hang on your wall the viral infographic that got featured on more tan 10,000 websites.

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The healing power of cat purrs

Buscando datos específicos sobre gatos, encontré que crean vibraciones en un rango conocido por ser terapéutico y pensé que el mundo debía saberlo. Más de 20.000 personas han visto este infográfico. Puedes verlo, votar y compartirlo en Visually.

Certificada por Visually
Soy diseñadora certificada por Visually, puedes trabajar conmigo en el Marketplace.

I’m always open to new challenges. If you want to start a project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

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The healing power of cat purrs

Buscant dades específiques sobre gats, vaig trobar que creen vibracions en una frequència coneguda per ser terapèutica i vaig pensar que el món havia de saber-ho. Més de 20.000 persones han vist aquest infogràfic. Pots veure’l, votar i compartir-lo a Visually.

Certificada per Visually
Sóc dissenyadora certificada per Visually, pots treballar amb mi al seu Marketplace.

I’m always open to new challenges. If you want to start a project or have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Get in touch →