Cedars Sinai Technology Transfer

We created a scientific illustration for the Cedars-Sinai Office of Technology Transfer, the entity that supports research by patenting and licensing medical innovations.
A publication with artists from all over the world
The Doyle/Logan Company commissioned eleven artists from around the world to create custom illustrations for the report of the Technology Transfer. Chris Madden, Davide Bonazzi, Mark Smith, Curtis Parker, Nicholas Saunders, Greg Clarke, Jean-Francois Martin, James Steinberg, Garcia Lam and Gary Baseman collaborated on the publication.
An illustration that puts the focus on research
The illustration is about oncosomes, which are cell-derived vesicles that cause all kinds of mischief when they are released – they make other cells easier to invade, they can circulate all over the body, and help cancers to spread. We represented a research center that is busy investigating oncosomes, to paint an optimistic future and focus on the cure rather than the disease.
To produce amazing results, you need a partner you can trust.
This project is the result of a powerful collaboration between our client's vision and industry knowledge and our design expertise.
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