
Brand identity, website, and product design for the AI-powered legal tech platform

We partnered with the great team at Conneto, the new revolution in legal software, to bring their vision to life.

We designed all aspects of Conneto’s visual and digital presence—from the brand identity, website, and platform to the blog, social media assets, pitch deck, and email marketing.

By being consistent across all these touchpoints, Conneto ensures that no matter where users engage with the brand, they have the same exceptional experience. A unified brand also helps convey professionalism and build trust, which are crucial for a new business.

Team: Marc Blanch (motion graphics)

Laptop on top of a sophisticated designers table featuring the website of a contract management app
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Business cards (front and back) on top of an designer's chair. The business cards have the logo and contact details.
Billboard with and ad for a document management software
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The platform that revolutionizes legal tech

Conneto is an innovative document management platform that integrates advanced AI features to manage, translate, and sign multilingual documents and contracts. It also connects users to a broad network of skilled legal experts across various fields. Conneto has an amazing value proposition and needs a user-friendly platform, and a strong brand identity to enter a competitive legal tech market.

A woman smiling on a business meeting with the logo of a legal tech platform on top
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Conneto’s unique brand identity breaks away from stereotypes

In developing the brand identity, we deliberately avoided shallow legal imagery like gavels, law scales, or rolled-up contracts, which are overused by legal companies. Instead, we centered the brand around Conneto's core value: acting as a bridge between legal advice and document automation.

The bridge, represented by the two Ns in the logo, symbolizes the connection between professionals and smooth transitions between languages. It also stands for stability, progress, and overcoming challenges, the perfect metaphor for Conneto’s role as a robust passage to advanced contract management.

Logo for a contract management software.
Venn diagram with one of the sides reading "Contract automation" and the other "Legal advice". In the middle there is the symbol of a contract management platform
Color palette with different tones of harmonically pleasing blues for an AI document management software
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A powerful platform with an intuitive product design

Conneto’s platform is designed to be simple to grasp, even with its extensive feature set. We used best UX practices and familiar user flows so anyone without prior experience can easily create, upload, manage, and share documents, utilize AI for accurate translations, sign contracts, and more. Custom illustrations and icons give the app a unique look that distinguishes it from competitors that rely on standard imagery.

Detail of the interface with an AI chat for a legal tech platform
User flow for a contract management digital product
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Icon construction grid for pixel perfect icons
Composition with various interface icons
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Design system with various components for a contract management digital product
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A distinct and cohesive digital presence: website, blog, pitch deck, email and social media

The website serves as a hub to market the app and bring in customers while catering to different user segments. The blog section is developed to provide valuable content to Conneto's users. We designed custom illustrations and images for the blog posts to ensure consistency with the brand’s visual identity. We created a pitch deck with a custom design and advanced graphics to engage potential investors. Additionally, we established email and social media templates for faster content creation.

Blog article for a legal company
Various blog post previews featuring custom illustrations
A projector inside a conference room with the presentation from a legal tech startup
Pitch deck design for a legal tech startup
Social media graphics and templates for contract management platform
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A strong foundation for Conneto’s success in the legal tech market

Conneto now has a strong brand identity, an easy-to-use platform, and a polished digital presence that it’s impossible to miss. The unified design allows Conneto to launch confidently, ensuring a consistent experience for users across every touchpoint. This puts Conneto in a great position to stand out in the crowded legal tech market.

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