
Brand identity for the solar energy company that produces pure hydrogen

We partnered with Coredgen, an innovative energy company that produces clean and renewable hydrogen gas using solar power. We developed a warm, approachable brand that reflects their commitment to a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Poster designs for a solar energy company
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Cap with the logo of a green energy company
Bussiness cards design for a clean energy startup
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Street advertisement for a renewable energy startup
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Leading the change toward sustainable energy

Coredgen aims to provide a better alternative to traditional energy sources, by focusing on producing pure hydrogen from solar energy. By enabling organizations, companies, and businesses to transition to clean energy, Coredgen is promoting greener processes and driving positive environmental impact.

Composition with mission and logo of a solar startup
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An innovative company with a smart target audience

The challenge was to develop a brand identity that visually embodied Coredgen’s mission and conveyed the intelligence and high-end appeal that would resonate with the target audience's discerning minds: industrial and scientific companies transitioning to cleaner energy sources. We based the logo and clean sky pattern on the hydrogen molecule, directly referencing the solar-powered hydrogen that Coredgen produces.

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A bright, intelligent, and pure brand identity

The contemporary serif typeface and the sun symbol made of hydrogen molecules are the essence of the brand. The warm and light color palette, featuring various tones of yellow, light blues, and white, reflects the sunny optimism of clean energy and the purity of hydrogen.

Logo design for a solar company on different backgrounds
Color palette design including yellow, blues and grays for a renewables company
Business cards, promotional notebook and ESG report for green energy company
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Inspiring photography showcasing green energy applications

Photography plays a crucial role in the brand, showcasing scenes from the scientific and industrial sectors, and establishing a strong connection to Coredgen's target audience. The sun symbol can be strategically placed on the photos to reinforce the brand.

Three photos of scientist inside a lab and the logo of a solar company on top
Two photos of industrial scenes and the logo of a renewables energy on top
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Empowering a sustainable energy revolution

Coredgen's new brand identity positions them at the forefront of the clean energy movement. The warm and inspiring brand captures its vision, driving the shift toward sustainable energy and paving the way for a brighter future.

Three stories design for instagram for a renewables startup
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Ad on a bus stop of a solar green energy startup
ESG report design for a climate solar startup
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Tote bag design for a green energy startup
Street advertisement billboard of a solar startup
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This project is the result of a powerful collaboration between our client's vision and industry knowledge and our design expertise.

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