Nike data website

An interactive experience that makes meaningful data more accessible

Nike is the world’s most popular footwear retailer, and a major manufacturer of sports equipment, employing about 76.700 people worldwide. With so many people involved in various jobs at the company, communication becomes essential.

The Nike team collaborates with employees in its official stores, sharing important sales data. We created a new experience to make that data clearer and more accessible.

The result is a highly interactive, responsive website, which translates into a greater interest in exploring the data and a better understanding of the information.

Four screens of the mobile version of a data responsive website
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Homepage of mobile version of a digital data report
A user holding a phone and looking at the homepage of a digital data report
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A composition with different pages of a responsive website data report
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Working with raw data can be overwhelming

The team at Nike communicates regularly with the employees at their official retail stores, sharing important data about product performance and sales campaigns.

They collect the data using very detailed, thoughtful spreadsheets, to later share them as email attachments.

Although emails were a direct communication method, the recipients were not opening the spreadsheets.

We analyzed the system, and uncovered a few areas of improvement:

Mobile compatibility → Many recipients couldn't open spreadsheets on mobile devices.

Suspicious look → Users tend to unconsciously associate email attachments with malware.

Visual interest → When they did opened the spreadsheets, users found databases and tables lacking visual appeal, making data hard to understand.

By addressing these 3 areas, we increased the number of users who engaged and understood the data.

A user looking at a screen with an email and an attachment
A designer uses pen and paper to find patterns in the data on a printed Excel file, meticulously compiling insights for a detailed report. Another printed page is partially visible beneath, reflecting the designer's organized and structured approach.
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Reinventing the experience

Instead of relying on Excel, we created a website to present the data. This format allowed for better visualization and understanding of information.

Interactive elements, videos, and animations are strategically integrated to enhance the data, facilitating a deeper understanding of sales trends and performance metrics.

The website is responsive and adapts to every screen size, so it doesn’t matter if the users are accessing it from mobile or desktop devices.

The design of a website featuring data insights
A user holding a phone, seeing the data report
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The content structure of the website prioritizes user engagement

Homepage → Designed to get the user’s attention quickly, the page opens with a bold animated headline and a video. From top to bottom, content is organized from most to least relevant.

The store → On this page, the user gets a better idea about the distribution of the store. It features a map of the different areas and detailed photos.

Insights → Through animated graphics and videos, users can engage with the data that reads more like a story and less like a spreadsheet.

Homepage design for Nike, showing a video on the main area of the website and a location Google map
Four mobile screen layouts of a Nike Sports Direct homepage website report. The website's title is "First Sports Direct Concept 2.0 Store". A map and images, all seamlessly integrated offer an immersive experience.
The store section inside a website data report for Nike. The main header shows a map of the store and as the user scrolls, there are images of the store and text descriptions.
Three mobile screen layouts of a Nike "The Store" page, that is part of the data report website. As users scroll, they can see a map of the store and images, all seamlessly in the flow of the website.
An insights website page for Nike with various examples of data visualization, including bar graphs and donut charts.
Four mobile layouts for Nike's report showcasing profit margins, share sales mix by category, and bestselling items including footwear and clothing, enhanced with data visualization that anyone can understand.
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Collaborative efforts for perfect results

We developed wireframes, prototypes, and a comprehensive project approach document to ensure alignment among all team members. All stakeholders had the opportunity to test the website and content flow, enabling them to provide valuable feedback. These collaborative tools facilitated teamwork with the Nike team, streamlining the process of designing the website.

A designer using a laptop with a strategy document open on the screen. This document is shared with clients and contains the website structure and intentional content.
An overview of a document containing a website strategy
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When data needs to speak human

We generate 2.5 trillion bytes of information every day. Data is constantly being extracted and analyzed but is worthless if we don’t communicate it correctly.

Nike's website exemplifies the transformative power of innovative data communication.

The responsive website not only captured the audience's attention but also fostered a deeper understanding and appreciation of insights.

A design layout of a data website, showing the desktop and mobile versions
A website layout of the homepage design for a Nike report website
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Mobile layout design of a data visualization report for Nike
A user holding a phone with the design of a data visualization website for Nike
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A website layout of the insights design for a Nike report website, featuring various examples of data visualization
A computer screen showing a website design for Nike
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This project is the result of a powerful collaboration between our client's vision and industry knowledge and our design expertise.

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